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Theatron, "Hellenic Cosmos" at Peiraios 254
Athens, Greece
November 26th, 2010

At TEDxAthens, we combine world-class speakers with a world-class audience.

Join us in the audience by filling in the form below. Once approved, you will receive an e-mail with a personalized link to purchase your entrance ticket (35 Euro+VAT) online.

Due to the limited number of seats available, not all applications will be approved.

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Theatron, "Hellenic Cosmos" at Peiraios 254
Athens, Greece
November 26th, 2010

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WTMNews.gr is a Technology & Innovation news portal covering Greek companies at home and abroad. Number one in technology daily news listings and with a middle to senior management audience profile, WTMNews is today the most complete source of information for the tech professionals. It provides a thorough insight into the activities of Greek tech entrepreneurs, coverage of funding and investment opportunities and activities, public sector & EU announcements, global tech industry market research, tech events and executive educational articles. Further, as a media & communications service provider it offers to tech companies complete Public Relations packages including news distribution to the local and international market (5500 global media) through is strategic partnership with PR Newswire, annual communications planning and content preparation (press releases, advertorials etc). Services for technologists, by technologists & PR experts.

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